2018-09-25 18:28:56 +08:00

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User Accessible GPIOs (J12)

Helios4 provide 12 GPIOs on J12 header that are free to use for user application. This header connected to 16-bit IO Expander PCA9655E using I2C bus 0.

J12 Pinout

Pin GPIO number Remarks
1 - 3.3V supply
2 IO0_2
3 IO0_3
4 IO0_4
5 IO0_7
6 IO1_0
7 IO1_1
8 IO1_2
9 IO1_3
10 IO1_4
11 IO1_5
12 IO1_6
13 IO1_7
14 - GND

!!! warning IO0_0, IO0_1, IO0_5, and IO0_6 are reserved for system use. It is not advisable to access the I2C IO expander directly using I2C.

LED Expansion (J18)

Helios4 board was designed to either use the on-board LEDs or use custom expansion panel (not-available). To use the header insure to switch to OFF the DIP switch SW2.

Dipswitch LED

J18 Pinout

Pin LED number Remarks
1 - 3.3V supply
2 - Not connected
3 LED1 Heartbeat LED
4 LED2 System Fault LED
5 LED3 SATA port 1 LED
6 LED4 SATA port 2 LED
7 LED5 SATA port 3 LED
8 LED6 SATA port 4 LED
9 LED7 USB activity LED
10 - GND

Accessing GPIOs under Linux

If the kernel support debugfs (CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=y), list of GPIOs can be accessed using

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio

and look for

gpiochip2: GPIOs XXX-YYY, parent: i2c/0-0020, pca9555, can sleep:

whereas XXX is first GPIO number and YYY is last GPIO number of IO expander.

Another way to get first GPIO number of the IO expander

cat /sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0020/gpio/gpiochip*/base

** J12 assigned GPIO number in sysfs **

Pin Sysfs GPIO number Remarks
1 - 3.3V supply
2 498
3 499
4 500
5 503
6 504
7 505
8 506
9 507
10 508
11 509
12 510
13 511
14 - GND

!!! info The GPIO number listed on the table most likely would not changed between kernel version.

Declare GPIO number to be use.

echo N | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/export

Set the direction, "out" as output and "in" as "input".

echo DIRECTION | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/gpioN/direction

To read current GPIO input

cat /sys/class/gpio/gpioN/value

Write 0 or 1 to GPIO

echo VALUE | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/gpioN/value

!!! notes Pay attention to the path, /sys/class/gpio/gpioN/


Set IO1_7 (pin 13) output as high

echo 511 | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/export
echo "out" | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/gpio511/direction
echo 1 | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/gpio511/value