#! /bin/bash ######################################################### # # # resizePictures.sh # # # # Author: Damien Broqua # # Github: https://github.com/Dbroqua/resizePictures # # Licence: Apache License 2.0 # # # # Requirement: # # - imagemagick # # # # Usage: # # - create logo.png in ~/templates # # - run resizePictures.sh in wanted directory # # All jpg of the current folder wil be resized and # # stored in /resized # # If cover.jpg found, file will be converted in other # # size and without logo (for my wordpress theme). # # # ######################################################### # Your choices MAXWIDTH=800 MAXHEIGHT=600 COVERWIDTH=520 COVERHEIGHT=245 # Defining some generic variables COVERFILE="cover.jpg" COVERRATIO=`bc -l <<< "${COVERWIDTH}/${COVERHEIGHT}"` LOGO=~/template/logo.png IMAGERATIO=`bc -l <<< "${MAXWIDTH}/${MAXHEIGHT}"` DEST='resized' OPTIONS='-depth 8 -quality 90 -strip -interlace Plane' BORDERWIDTH=12 BORDERTHINWIDTH=1 BORDERTHINPLACEMENT=8 # Defining some colors for log() RED="\E[31m" BLUE="\E[44m" GREEN="\E[92m" BOLD="\033[4m" RESET="\033[0m" # If destination does not exists, create it if [ ! -d ${DEST} ] ; then mkdir ${DEST} fi # For each files for image in {*.jpg,*.JPG} ; do if [ "${image}" != "*.JPG" ] && [ "${image}" != "*.jpg" ] ; then if [ ! -f "${image}" ] ; then echo -e "${RED}# ${image} is not a valid image file in ${PWD}${RESET}" continue fi # Extract image dimensions WIDTH=`identify -format "%[fx:w]" ${image}` HEIGHT=`identify -format "%[fx:h]" ${image}` # Compute image ratio TMPIMAGERATIO=`bc -l <<< "${WIDTH}/${HEIGHT}"` # Define image size NEWWIDTH=${WIDTH} NEWHEIGHT=${HEIGHT} # Compute new image size based on image type if [ "${image}" == "${COVERFILE}" ] ; then # Compute temporary with or height to crop correctly image if [ "${COVERRATIO}" -gt "${TMPIMAGERATIO}" ] ; then NEWHEIGHT=$((${WIDTH}*${COVERHEIGHT}/${COVERWIDTH})) else NEWWIDTH=$((${HEIGHT}*${COVERWIDTH}/${COVERHEIGHT})) fi else # Compute temporary with or height to crop correctly image RATIO=`echo ${IMAGERATIO}'<'${TMPIMAGERATIO} | bc -l` if [ ${RATIO} -eq 1 ] ; then NEWWIDTH=${MAXWIDTH} NEWHEIGHT=`LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" printf "%.0f" $(bc -l <<< "scale=1; ${HEIGHT}*${NEWWIDTH}/${WIDTH}")` else NEWHEIGHT=${MAXHEIGHT} NEWWIDTH=`LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" printf "%.0f" $(bc -l <<< "scale=1; ${WIDTH}*${NEWHEIGHT}/${HEIGHT}")` fi fi # Convert cover if [ "${image}" == "${COVERFILE}" ] ; then echo -e "${GREEN}Converting cover file${RESET}" # Crop image with the good ratio convert -gravity Center -crop ${NEWWIDTH}x${NEWHEIGHT}+0+0 +repage ${image} /tmp/${image} # Rezise cover and save it convert ${OPTIONS} -resize ${COVERWIDTH}x${COVERHEIGHT} /tmp/${image} ${DEST}/${image} # Remove temporary file rm /tmp/${image} else echo -e "${RED}Converting image ${image}${RESET}" # Compute positions for black border BORDERUPPERLEFT=$((${BORDERWIDTH}/2)),$((${BORDERWIDTH}/2)) BORDERLOWERLEFT=$((${BORDERWIDTH}/2)),$((${NEWHEIGHT} - ${BORDERWIDTH}/2)) BORDERLOWERRIGHT=$((${NEWWIDTH} - ${BORDERWIDTH}/2)),$((${NEWHEIGHT} - ${BORDERWIDTH}/2)) BORDERUPPERRIGHT=$((${NEWWIDTH} - ${BORDERWIDTH}/2)),$((${BORDERWIDTH}/2)) # Compute positions for white border THINBORDERUPPERLEFT=${BORDERTHINPLACEMENT},${BORDERTHINPLACEMENT} THINBORDERLOWERLEFT=${BORDERTHINPLACEMENT},$((${NEWHEIGHT}-${BORDERTHINPLACEMENT} )) THINBORDERLOWERRIGHT=$((${NEWWIDTH}-${BORDERTHINPLACEMENT} )),$((${NEWHEIGHT}-${BORDERTHINPLACEMENT} )) THINBORDERUPPERRIGHT=$((${NEWWIDTH}-${BORDERTHINPLACEMENT} )),${BORDERTHINPLACEMENT} # resize and add border on image convert -resize ${NEWWIDTH}x${NEWHEIGHT} \ "${image}" \ -fill transparent -stroke black -strokewidth ${BORDERWIDTH} -draw "stroke-linecap square path 'M ${BORDERUPPERLEFT} L ${BORDERLOWERLEFT} L ${BORDERLOWERRIGHT} L ${BORDERUPPERRIGHT} L ${BORDERUPPERLEFT} Z'" \ -fill transparent -stroke white -strokewidth ${BORDERTHINWIDTH} -draw "stroke-linecap square path 'M ${THINBORDERUPPERLEFT} L ${THINBORDERLOWERLEFT} L ${THINBORDERLOWERRIGHT} L ${THINBORDERUPPERRIGHT} L ${THINBORDERUPPERLEFT} Z'" \ "${DEST}/${image}" # Add logo on imagedow composite ${OPTIONS} -gravity SouthEast "${LOGO}" "${DEST}/${image}" "${DEST}/${image}" fi fi done