Helios64 provides an external front panel interface via a 24-Pin header (P3) in order to expose system buttons and LEDs.  ## Pinout  | PIN | Port | Direction | |-----|------|-----------| | 1 | SATA Consolidated Activity LED | | 2 | Power On LED | | 3 | Ground | | 4 | Ground | | 5 | RESET Button | | 6 | POWER Button | | 7 | USR1 Button | | 8 | USR2 Button | | 9 | Network Activity LED | | 10 | USB Activity LED | | 11 | 3V3 | | 12 | System On LED | | 13 | System Error LED | | 14 | SATA 0 Activity LED | | 15 | SATA 0 Error LED | | 16 | SATA 1 Activity LED | | 17 | SATA 1 Error LED | | 18 | SATA 2 Activity LED | | 19 | SATA 2 Error LED | | 20 | SATA 3 Activity LED | | 21 | SATA 3 Error LED | | 22 | SATA 4 Activity LED | | 23 | SATA 4 Error LED | | 24 | Ground | ### Wiring Example **LED wiring:**  *LED output pins are Active High.* **Button wiring:**  *Button input pins are Active Low.* ## Helios64 Enclosure The official Helios64 enclosure comes with a specially designed front panel that connects to the 24-Pin header (P3) and USB 3.0 Port (J1). This front panel exposes all the on-board [LEDS](/helios64/led/) and [Buttons](/helios64/button/) required to operate the Helios64 NAS along with an USB 3.0 port for data loading / offloading.  ### PCB Details  * All switches are push buttons. * All Error LEDs are red while Status / Activity LEDs are blue. * USB 3.0 Port is provided by a USB 3.0 Type A Female to Male extension cable.  ### PCB Wiring The Helios64 Front Panel is already mounted with the USB 3.0 extension cable and with a ribbon cable + header snapped to the ICD connector (P1). The wiring between Helios64 main board and the front panel is illustrated in figures below:   !!! Warning Please be careful with the 24-Pin header polarity. Make sure that Pin 1 of main board P3 header is connected to the Pin 1 of front panel P1 ICD connector.