update the hardware overview
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 46 additions and 446 deletions
@ -1,391 +1,31 @@
## User Accessible GPIOs (P3)
## User Accessible GPIOs (J12)
Helios64 provides 22 GPIOs on header P3 which can be used for user application.
Those GPIOs are provided via an 16-bit IO Expander [PCA9655E](http://www.onsemi.com/PowerSolutions/product.do?id=PCA9655E) connected to I2C bus 0.
Helios4 provides 12 GPIOs on header J12 which can be used for user application. Those GPIOs are provided via an 16-bit IO Expander [PCA9655E](http://www.onsemi.com/PowerSolutions/product.do?id=PCA9655E) connected to I2C bus 0.


### Pinout Table
### Pinout Table
| Pin | Port | Remarks |
| PIN | Port | Remarks |
| 1 | - | 3.3V supply |
| 1 | - | 3.3V Supply |
| 2 | IO0_2 | |
| 2 | - | 5V Supply |
| 3 | IO0_3 | |
| 3 | - | GND |
| 4 | IO0_4 | |
| 4 | EXP_P0_0 | |
| 5 | IO0_7 | |
| 5 | EXP_P0_1 | |
| 6 | IO1_0 | |
| 6 | EXP_P0_2 | |
| 7 | IO1_1 | |
| 7 | EXP_P0_3 | |
| 8 | IO1_2 | |
| 8 | EXP_P0_4 | |
| 9 | IO1_3 | |
| 9 | EXP_P0_5 | |
| 10 | IO1_4 | |
| 10 | EXP_P0_6 | |
| 11 | IO1_5 | |
| 11 | EXP_P0_7 | |
| 12 | IO1_6 | |
| 12 | EXP_P1_0 | |
| 13 | IO1_7 | |
| 13 | EXP_P1_1 | |
| 14 | - | GND |
| 14 | EXP_P1_2 | |
| 15 | EXP_P1_3 | |
!!! warning
| 16 | EXP_P1_4 | |
Ports **IO0_0**, **IO0_1**, **IO0_5**, and **IO0_6** are reserved for system use.
| 17 | EXP_P1_5 | |
| 18 | EXP_P1_6 | |
!!! important
| 19 | EXP_P1_7 | |
It is not advisable to access the I2C IO Expander directly using I2C utilities.
| 20 | - | GND |
## Accessing GPIOs under Linux
If the kernel supports debugfs (*CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=y*), list of GPIOs can be retrieved with the following command
sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
Look for the **gpiochip2: GPIOs XXX-YYY** section, whereas **XXX** is first GPIO number and **YYY** is last GPIO number of IO expander.
gpiochip2: GPIOs 496-511, parent: i2c/0-0020, pca9555, can sleep:
gpio-496 ( |board-rev-0 ) in lo
gpio-497 ( |board-rev-1 ) in lo
gpio-498 ( |(null) ) out hi
gpio-499 ( |(null) ) in hi
gpio-500 ( |(null) ) in hi
gpio-501 ( |usb-overcurrent-stat) in hi
gpio-502 ( |USB-PWR ) out hi
gpio-503 ( |(null) ) in hi
gpio-504 ( |(null) ) in hi
gpio-505 ( |(null) ) in hi
gpio-506 ( |(null) ) in hi
gpio-507 ( |(null) ) in hi
gpio-508 ( |(null) ) in hi
gpio-509 ( |(null) ) in hi
gpio-510 ( |(null) ) in hi
gpio-511 ( |(null) ) in hi
Another way to get first GPIO number of the IO expander
cat /sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0020/gpio/gpiochip*/base
Therefore the mapping between header J12 Pins and Sysfs GPIO numbers will be as described in the following table
### GPIO Table
| Pin | Sysfs GPIO number | Remarks |
| 1 | - | 3.3V supply |
| 2 | 498 | |
| 3 | 499 | |
| 4 | 500 | |
| 5 | 503 | |
| 6 | 504 | |
| 7 | 505 | |
| 8 | 506 | |
| 9 | 507 | |
| 10 | 508 | |
| 11 | 509 | |
| 12 | 510 | |
| 13 | 511 | |
| 14 | - | GND |
!!! note
The mapping table is unlikely to change between Kernel version.
### GPIO Control
**1.** Export the GPIO number you want to use
echo N | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/export
**2.** Set the direction, "out" for Output or "in" for Input
echo DIRECTION | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/gpioN/direction
**3.** Now you can read or change the GPIO value
To read GPIO value
cat /sys/class/gpio/gpioN/value
To change GPIO value (only if GPIO set as Output)
echo VALUE | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/gpioN/value
!!! notes
Pay attention to the path, /sys/class/gpio/gpio**N**/ where **N** is the GPIO number.
#### Example
Set IO1_7 (pin 13) output as high
echo 511 | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/export
echo "out" | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/gpio511/direction
echo 1 | sudo tee -a /sys/class/gpio/gpio511/value
## Use GPIO with Device Tree Overlay
!!! info
Device Tree Compiler (dtc) from OS package manager usually is too old, use the one from kernel source or download binary version for Arm [here](/helios4/files/dt-overlay/dtc).
Another way to use the GPIO is by using device tree. In device tree the user accessible
GPIO is labelled as [expander0](https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/tree/arch/arm/boot/dts/armada-388-helios4.dts#n155).
Instead of directly modifying the Helios4 device tree source (*armada-388-helios4.dts*) and recompiling,
Linux and U-Boot provide a mechanism called device tree overlay. With overlay, user just needs
to create simple device tree that would be overlay'd on top of base device tree.
For example, to use **IO0_2** as power off button input, create following device tree source
and save it as power-button.dts
/ {
fragment@0 {
target-path = "/gpio-keys";
__overlay__ {
power-button {
label = "Soft Power Off";
linux,code = <116>;
gpios = <&expander0 2 1>;
Download dtc and compile device tree with this command
wget https://wiki.kobol.io/helios4/files/dt-overlay/dtc
chmod 755 dtc
./dtc -I dts -O dtb -o power-button.dtbo power-button.dts
***Button Wiring***

The GPIO has internal pull up resistor, when the button is not pressed the input read as High and when the button is pressed the input read as Low, therefore we use active low flag.
In the above example you will find the 2 following lines
linux,code = <116>;
gpios = <&expander0 2 1>;
For **linux,code** property, you can use one of the following values. For complete even code list refer to [input-event-codes.h](https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/plain/include/uapi/linux/input-event-codes.h).
| Event Code Name | Event Code | Description |
| KEY_POWER | 116 | Power Button |
| KEY_SLEEP | 142 | Sleep Button |
| KEY_WAKEUP | 116 | Power Button |
| BTN_0 | 0x100 | User Button 0 |
| BTN_1 | 0x101 | User Button 1 |
| BTN_2 | 0x102 | User Button 2 |
| BTN_3 | 0x103 | User Button 3 |
| BTN_4 | 0x104 | User Button 4 |
| BTN_5 | 0x105 | User Button 5 |
| BTN_6 | 0x106 | User Button 6 |
| BTN_7 | 0x107 | User Button 7 |
| BTN_8 | 0x108 | User Button 8 |
| BTN_9 | 0x109 | User Button 9 |
For **gpios** properties, the syntax is as follow
`<&expander0 index flag>`
Where *index* is one of the following values
| Port Number | Index |
| IO0_2 | 2 |
| IO0_3 | 3 |
| IO0_4 | 4 |
| IO0_7 | 7 |
| IO1_0 | 8 |
| IO1_1 | 9 |
| IO1_2 | 10 |
| IO1_3 | 11 |
| IO1_4 | 12 |
| IO1_5 | 13 |
| IO1_6 | 14 |
| IO1_7 | 15 |
And *flag* is one of the following values
| Flag | Property |
| 0 | GPIO line is active high |
| 1 | GPIO line is active low |
For more info please refer to
[gpio-keys binding](https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/plain/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/gpio-keys.txt).
### Device Tree Overlay under Armbian
!!! info
Armbian older than version 5.98 is still not compiled with overlay support. Refer to instruction to [Compile Helios4 DTB with Symbol Support](#compile-helios4-dtb-with-symbol-support) or use precompiled binary.
Armbian Default (Stretch, Linux Kernel 4.14):
`wget https://wiki.kobol.io/files/dt-overlay/lk4.14_armada-388-helios4.dtb`
`sudo cp lk4.14_armada-388-helios4.dtb /boot/dtb/armada-388-helios4.dtb`
Armbian Next (Buster, Linux Kernel 4.19):
`wget https://wiki.kobol.io/files/dt-overlay/lk4.19_armada-388-helios4.dtb`
`sudo cp lk4.19_armada-388-helios4.dtb /boot/dtb/armada-388-helios4.dtb`
Create */boot/overlay-user/* to store the overlay and copy the overlay to the folder
sudo mkdir -p /boot/overlay-user
sudo cp power-button.dtbo /boot/overlay-user/
Then edit */boot/armbianEnv.txt* and append the overlay filename (without dtbo extension) to *user_overlays*
Reboot the system to load the overlay.
!!! notes
If there is more than one overlay file, separate it by space. For example
`user_overlays=power-button sleep-button`
***Additional Steps for U-Boot 2018.11 (Armbian Default)***
Bootscript (**boot.scr**) used in Armbian Default does not have routine to automatically load overlay from */boot/overlay-user* therefore **/boot/boot.cmd** need to be modified.
Append the following block
fdt addr ${fdt_addr}
fdt resize 65536
for overlay_file in ${user_overlays}; do
if load ${boot_interface} 0:1 ${loadaddr} ${prefix}overlay-user/${overlay_file}.dtbo; then
echo "Applying user provided DT overlay ${overlay_file}.dtbo"
fdt apply ${loadaddr} || setenv overlay_error "true"
if test "${overlay_error}" = "true"; then
echo "Error applying DT overlays, restoring original DT"
load ${boot_interface} 0:1 ${fdt_addr} ${prefix}dtb/${fdtfile}
`bootz ${kernel_addr_r} ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${fdt_addr}`
so it become
fdt addr ${fdt_addr}
fdt resize 65536
for overlay_file in ${user_overlays}; do
if load ${boot_interface} 0:1 ${loadaddr} ${prefix}overlay-user/${overlay_file}.dtbo; then
echo "Applying user provided DT overlay ${overlay_file}.dtbo"
fdt apply ${loadaddr} || setenv overlay_error "true"
if test "${overlay_error}" = "true"; then
echo "Error applying DT overlays, restoring original DT"
load ${boot_interface} 0:1 ${fdt_addr} ${prefix}dtb/${fdtfile}
bootz ${kernel_addr_r} ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${fdt_addr}
Recompile with
`mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr`
### Device Tree Overlay under Other Distro
#### Compile Helios4 DTB with Symbol Support
Download Linux Kernel source code and extract it to *~/src/linux*. Change directory to *~/src/linux*
Download and apply kernel patch for
- Linux Kernel 4.14
wget https://wiki.kobol.io/helios4/files/dt-overlay/compile-dtb-lk-4.14.patch
git apply --apply compile-dtb-lk-4.14.patch
- Linux Kernel 4.19
wget https://wiki.kobol.io/helios4/files/dt-overlay/compile-dtb-lk-4.19.patch
git apply --apply compile-dtb-lk-4.19.patch
Compile Helios4 device tree
`make armada-388-helios4.dtb`
Copy the dtb to boot folder (eg. /boot/dtb/)
`sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/armada-388-helios4.dtb /boot/dtb/`
Copy the overlay also to the same folder.
#### Apply overlay on U-Boot
To apply overlay to base dtb, the procedure is
1. Load Helios4 dtb to memory
2. Set fdt address to dtb address
3. Resize the fdt
4. Load overlay to memory
5. Apply from overlay address
6. Boot the kernel
Example command
load mmc 0:1 ${ramdisk_addr_r} /boot/uInitrd
load mmc 0:1 ${kernel_addr_r} /boot/zImage
load mmc 0:1 ${fdt_addr_r} /boot/dtb/${fdtfile}
fdt addr ${fdt_addr_r}
fdt resize 65536
load mmc 0:1 0x300000 /boot/dtb/power-button.dtbo
fdt apply 0x300000
bootz ${kernel_addr_r} ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${fdt_addr_r}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Block Diagram
## Block Diagram
### Helios64 Carrier Board
### Helios64 Board


### RK3399 System-On-Chip
### RK3399 System-On-Chip
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ This block diagram is cited from the RK3399 website documentation. [1](http://op
## Connector / Interface List
## Connector / Interface List


Name |Peripheral Type|Connector Type|Details
Name |Peripheral Type|Connector Type|Details
@ -23,21 +22,20 @@ P11|SPI Flash Dis. Jumper|2x1 Pin Male Header|Disable SPI Flash
P13|HS Select Jumper|2x1 Pin Male Header|USB-C HS Select (Close = Type C HS, Open = Console)
P13|HS Select Jumper|2x1 Pin Male Header|USB-C HS Select (Close = Type C HS, Open = Console)
P14|ATX Priority Jumper|2x1 Pin Male Header|ATX Supply Priority
P14|ATX Priority Jumper|2x1 Pin Male Header|ATX Supply Priority
P15|ACDC Priority Jumper|2x1 Pin Male Header|ACDC(AC Adapter) Supply Priority
P15|ACDC Priority Jumper|2x1 Pin Male Header|ACDC(AC Adapter) Supply Priority
J1|USB3 Host|USB 3.0 Host| USB 3.0 Port Header
USB 3.0 |USB3 Host|USB 3.0 Host| USB 3.0 Port Header
J3|SATA|SATA 3.0|Port 0 (SATA1)
SATA1|SATA|SATA 3.0|Port 0 (SATA1)
J4|SATA|SATA 3.0|Port 1 (SATA2)
SATA2|SATA|SATA 3.0|Port 1 (SATA2)
J5|SATA|SATA 3.0|Port 2 (SATA3)
SATA3|SATA|SATA 3.0|Port 2 (SATA3)
J6|SATA|SATA 3.0|Port 3 (SATA4)
SATA4|SATA|SATA 3.0|Port 3 (SATA4)
J8|SATA|SATA 3.0|Port 4 (SATA5)
SATA5|SATA|SATA 3.0|Port 4 (SATA5)
J7|HDD Power Conn.|8 Pin ATX 12V|Rated for 5x HDD
HDD_PWR|HDD Power Conn.|8 Pin ATX 12V|Rated for 5x HDD
J9|Battery Power Conn.|6 Pin ATX 12V|Battery Backup
BATT|Battery Power Conn.|6 Pin ATX 12V|Battery Backup
J10|ATX Power Supply Conn.|4 Pin ATX 12V|4 Pin ATX Power Connector
ATX_4P|ATX Power Supply Conn.|4 Pin ATX 12V|4 Pin ATX Power Connector
J11|LAN1|RJ45|Gigabit Ethernet
1Gbps ETH|LAN1|RJ45|Gigabit Ethernet
J12|LAN2|RJ45|2.5 Gigabit Ethernet
2.5Gbps ETH|LAN2|RJ45|2.5 Gigabit Ethernet|USB 3.0 Host|Dual Port USB3.0|Type A
J13|USB 3.0 Host|Dual Port USB3.0|Type A
MICRO SD|microSD|Push-Push card connector|Support SDHC and SDXC
J14|microSD|Push-Push card connector|Support SDHC and SDXC
USB-C|USB Type-C Dual Role|USB Type-C Connector|Via onboard FTDI USB-to-UART0 bridge
J15|USB Type-C Dual Role|USB Type-C Connector|Via onboard FTDI USB-to-UART0 bridge
PWR CON|DC Connector|Kycon 4-Pin Mini-DIN|DC input 12V / 8A
J16|DC Connector|Kycon 4-Pin Mini-DIN|DC input 12V / 8A
FAN1|Fan Connector|4x1 Pin Male Header|PWM and RPM support
FAN1|Fan Connector|4x1 Pin Male Header|PWM and RPM support
FAN2|Fan Connector|4x1 Pin Male Header|PWM and RPM support
FAN2|Fan Connector|4x1 Pin Male Header|PWM and RPM support
P1|I2C Header|4x1 Pin Male Header|I2C Bus 1
P1|I2C Header|4x1 Pin Male Header|I2C Bus 1
@ -45,9 +43,9 @@ P2|UEXT Header|2x5 Pin Male Header|Universal EXTension Support [2]
P3|Front Panel Header|12x1 Pin Male Header|PWM and RPM support
P3|Front Panel Header|12x1 Pin Male Header|PWM and RPM support
P4|Buzzer Header|2x1 Pin Header|Buzzer Speaker Support
P4|Buzzer Header|2x1 Pin Header|Buzzer Speaker Support
P5|GPIO Pin Header|7x2 Pin Male Header|GPIO configurable as input or output<br>Via IO Expander on I2C Bus 0
P5|GPIO Pin Header|7x2 Pin Male Header|GPIO configurable as input or output<br>Via IO Expander on I2C Bus 0
SW1|Power Button|Push Button|Power Button
PWR BTN|Power Button|Push Button|Power Button
SW2|Recovery Button|Push Button|Boot mode selector :<br> SPI,MMC,UART,SATA
RECOVERY|Recovery Button|Push Button|Boot mode selector :<br> SPI,MMC,UART,SATA
SW3|Reset Button|Push Button|Reset Button
RST BTN|Reset Button|Push Button|Reset Button
## Boot Modes
## Boot Modes
@ -87,20 +85,6 @@ All the ready-to-use images we provide are for the **SD Card** boot mode.
Please refer to [U-boot](/helios4/uboot) section to know how to use the other modes.
Please refer to [U-boot](/helios4/uboot) section to know how to use the other modes.
## LED indicators
LED Name|Color|Description
LED1|green|SYS power
LED2|green|Peripheral power
LED3|green|HDD power
LED4|blue|System ON
LED5|bule|HDD activity
LED6|green|System Status
LED7|red|System Error
LED8|orange|Battery Charge
## Reset Button
## Reset Button
Helios64 board provides a RESET push button (RST BTN) to hard reset the board.
Helios64 board provides a RESET push button (RST BTN) to hard reset the board.
@ -139,31 +123,6 @@ Helios64 board exposes the SoC I2C Bus 1, on header **P1**. Below is the header
* OS: ARMBIAN Z.Z stable Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) 5.4.xx-yyy
* OS: ARMBIAN Z.Z stable Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) 5.4.xx-yyy
## HDD Recommendation List
We recommend HDD which are designed for NAS (Network Attached Storage). Those NAS HDD are specially conceived for reliable 24/7 operation and offers lower power consumption and dissipation, less vibration and noise, and finally better warranty. We recommend the following models :
**Western Digital** : WD Red NAS (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10TB)
**Seagate** : IronWolf NAS (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10TB)
- ST1000VN002
- ST2000VN004
We recommend to order from different shop to avoid having all the drives from the same factory batch. For instance, you should order 2x HDDs from one shop, then the 2 others from another shop.
## HDD / SSD Compability List
**To be updated.**
## References
## References
1. http://opensource.rock-chips.com/wiki_File:RK3399_Block_Diagram.png
1. http://opensource.rock-chips.com/wiki_File:RK3399_Block_Diagram.png
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEXT
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEXT
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 82 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 146 KiB |
@ -76,8 +76,9 @@ nav:
- Install directly to eMMC : 'helios64/install-3.md'
- Install directly to eMMC : 'helios64/install-3.md'
- Hardware:
- Hardware:
- Overview : 'helios64/hardware.md'
- Overview : 'helios64/hardware.md'
- LED : 'helios64/led.md'
- GPIO : 'helios64/gpio.md'
- I2C : 'helios64/i2c.md'
- I2C : 'helios64/i2c.md'
- LED : 'helios64/led.md'
- Helios4:
- Helios4:
- Introduction: 'helios4/intro.md'
- Introduction: 'helios4/intro.md'
- Kit Assembly: 'helios4/kit.md'
- Kit Assembly: 'helios4/kit.md'
Add table
Reference in a new issue