Update Hardware Jumper Page

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Gauthier Provost 2020-04-14 17:38:45 +08:00
parent 68b37ec7a4
commit 2d04e0dad3
11 changed files with 38 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ This block diagram is cited from the RK3399 website documentation. [1](http://op
| P5 | [GPIO](/helios64/gpio/) | 7x2 Pin Header | User Configurable GPIO |
| P6 | [PWM Fan](/helios64/fan/) | 4x1 Pin Header | Fan 1 with PWM support |
| P7 | [PWM Fan](/helios64/fan/) | 4x1 Pin Header | Fan 2 with PWM support |
| P8 | [SATA Ctrl. Programming](/helios64/jumper/#sata-controller-flash-mux-p8) | 2x1 Pin Header | SATA Controller Flash Enable |
| P8 | [SATA Ctrl. Programming](/helios64/jumper/#sata-controller-flash-p8) | 2x1 Pin Header | SATA Controller Flash Enable |
| P9 | [eFuse Programming](/helios64/jumper/#efuse-power-enable-p9) | 2x1 Pin Header | eFuse Power Supply Enable |
| P10 | [eMMC Disable](/helios64/jumper/#boot-mode-p10-p11) | 2x1 Pin Header | Disable eMMC |
| P10 | [eMMC Flash Disable](/helios64/jumper/#boot-mode-p10-p11) | 2x1 Pin Header | Disable eMMC |
| P11 | [SPI Flash Disable](/helios64/jumper/#boot-mode-p10-p11) | 2x1 Pin Header | Disable SPI Flash |
| P12 | [Battery Configuration](/helios64/battery/) | 2x1 Pin Header | Enable 3S1P Battery Support |
| P13 | [HS Select Jumper](/helios64/jumper/#hs-select-p13) | 2x1 Pin Male Header | USB-C HS Mode |
| P14 | [ATX Priority Jumper](/helios64/jumper/#power-supply-priority-jumper-p14-p15) | 2x1 Pin Male Header | ATX Supply Priority |
| P15 | [ACDC Priority Jumper](/helios64/jumper/#power-supply-priority-jumper-p14-p15) | 2x1 Pin Male Header | ACDC(AC Adapter) Supply Priority |
| P12 | [Battery Configuration](/helios64/ups/) | 2x1 Pin Header | *unpopulated* |
| P13 | [USB Console/Recovery Mode](/helios64/jumper/#usb-consolerecovery-mode-p13) | 2x1 Pin Male Header | USB-C HS Mode |
| P14 | [ATX Priority Jumper](/helios64/jumper/#dc-in-priority-p14-p15) | 2x1 Pin Male Header | ATX Supply Priority |
| P15 | [ACDC Priority Jumper](/helios64/jumper/#dc-in-priority-p14-p15) | 2x1 Pin Male Header | AC Adapter Supply Priority |
| SW1 | [Power Button](/helios64/button/#power-button) | Push Button | Power Button |
| SW2 | [Recovery Button](/helios64/button/#recovery-button) | Push Button | Recovery Button |
| SW3 | [Reset Button](/helios64/button/#reset-button) | Push Button | Reset Button |

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@ -1,49 +1,47 @@
## Boot Mode (P10 & P11)
Helios64 SoC supports 3 boot modes that can be chosen by jumper configuration.
Helios64 supports at least **3 (TBD)** boot modes that can be chosen by using the jumper configuration.
The default boot device order is:
The default Boot device order for Helios64 is the SPI Flash Memory, eMMC, then micro-SD Card.
The SoC will access this order sequentially to find the bootloader in all possible storage medium.
To change the boot order if the bootloader are present in all possible volatile storage, we can use the combination of P10 and P11 jumpers.
(Please see above figure for the connector/interface list.)
1. SPI Flash
2. eMMC Flash
3. micro-SD Card
![Bootmode location](/helios64/img/jumper/p11-jumper.png)
The SoC will access sequentially the above devices until it finds a bootloader code. To change the boot order if a bootloader code is present on more then one device, we can use the combination of P10 and P11 jumpers to force SoC to skip devices.
Following jumper are available in the Helios64 board to configure the boot modes:
![P10 P11 location](/helios64/img/jumper/p10-11-jumper.jpg)
- P11 jumper can be used disable SPI Flash, when this jumper is shorted/close it means disable boot from the SPI Flash, and the board will search the next boot device (which is eMMC).
- P10 jumper is available to disable eMMC boot, when this jumper is closed Helios64 wil skip looking for bootloader from the eMMC and will continue with the micro-SD card,
- P11 jumper can be used to disable SPI Flash, when this jumper is shorted SoC will skip looking for bootloader on SPI Flash and will continue with the EMMC Flash.
- P10 jumper can be used to disable eMMC Flash, when this jumper is shorted SoC will skip looking for bootloader on eMMC Flash and will continue with the micro-SD card.
So you can select to search for bootloader starting from the SPI Flash Storage, eMMC, untill micro-SD card.
Following table may simplified boot ordering by jumper config by assuming the bootloaders are present in every storage device:
The following logic table gives a simplified view of boot order configuration by jumper, assuming bootloader code is present on each device:
P11 State|P10 State|Boot Order|Notes
0|0|SPI Flash|-
1|1|micro-SD Card|-
| P11 State | P10 State | Boot Order | Notes |
| 0 | 0 | SPI Flash | - |
| 1 | 0 | eMMC Flash | - |
| 1 | 1 | micro-SD Card | - |
!!! note
Please note, in case of bootloader is not present in the storage devices. The SoC will search to the next possible boot device.
## USB Console/Recovery Mode (P13)
This jumper controls a 2:1 MUX switching the USB2.0 lanes of the Type-C port (J15) between the SoC Type-C interface and the USB-to-Serial bridge. For more details refer to the [USB Type-C section](/helios64/usb/#usb-on-helios64).
All the ready-to-use images we provide are for the **SD Card** boot mode.
![P13 location](/helios64/img/jumper/p13-jumper.jpg)
Please refer to [U-boot](/helios4/uboot) section to know how to use the other modes.
* When the jumper is opened the Type-C port (J15) can be used to connect to the serial console of the Helios64.
* When closed and system in recovery mode, the Type-C port (J15) can be used to flash directly the eMMC over USB.
## HS Select (P13)
## DC-IN Priority (P14 & P15)
![HS Select location](/helios64/img/jumper/p13-jumper.png)
Helios64 supports 2x different DC-IN 12V inputs :
When this jumper closed the High Speed USB (USB 2.0) connection to the SoC will be establised, while the serial console is disconnected, so you can use flashing technology such as rockusb and maskrom in the USB type-C port.
* AC Adapter (J16)
* ATX PSU (J10)
[comment]: <> (its also called as HS select, when this jumper is closed the micro USB-C connector become type-C HS (open = console), your USB-C cable will connected to the serial console of the Helios64 board by default. By closing this connection the USB-C connection will become the HS mode, the eMMC will be detected as the USB Mass storage in your PC, in this configuration can directly flash the Armbian image to it.)
You can plug both DC-IN inputs in order to have a failover setup that automatically switch to the other input if the first one fails. Jumpers P14 and P15 can be used to configure input priority.
## Power Supply Priority Jumper (P14 & P15)
![P14 location](/helios64/img/jumper/p14-jumper.png)
![P14 P15 location](/helios64/img/jumper/p14-15-jumper.jpg)
| P15 | P14 | Description |
@ -53,16 +51,15 @@ When this jumper closed the High Speed USB (USB 2.0) connection to the SoC will
| Close | Close | Self Locking Priority |
## SATA Controller Flash MUX (P8)
Production usage only.
## SATA Controller Flash (P8)
Reserved for production.
## eFuse Power Enable (P9)
![P9 location](/helios64/img/jumper/p9-jumper.png)
![P9 location](/helios64/img/jumper/p9-jumper.jpg)
Short this jumper using tweezer to burn the efuse data on maskrom mode.
When shorted this jumper will allow user to burn efuse data in order to configure secure boot.
!!! warning
Wrong efuse data can brick Helios64. Do NOT short this jumper on normal use!
Wrong efuse data can bricked Helios64 which cannot be repaired. Do **NOT** short this jumper if you don't know what you are doing.