Remove H64 install and download pages

This commit is contained in:
Gauthier Provost 2020-04-02 16:16:15 +08:00
parent 7e7695cb81
commit 120b777c16
5 changed files with 5 additions and 502 deletions

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## Latest OS Images
All the following images are generated by [Armbian]( build framework.
### Armbian Buster (Debian 10)
[![Debian Stretch](/helios64/img/os/debian10.png)]()<br>
*MD5SUM : <br>
Build date : <br>
Size : MB<br>*
<s>[Direct Download]()</s>
!!! important
OMV5 (OpenMediaVault 5) for Debian 10 Buster is still in beta and unstable. If you wand to use OMV, then you should use Debian 9 Stretch with OMV 4 for now.
### Armbian Stretch (Debian 9)
[![Debian Stretch](/helios64/img/os/debian9.png)]()<br>
*MD5SUM : <br>
Build date : <br>
Size : MB<br>*
<s>[Direct Download]()</s>
!!! note
OMV4 (OpenMediaVault 4) can be installed with the **armbian-config** tool as explained [here](/helios4/omv/#install-openmediavault).
### Armbian Bionic (Ubuntu 18.04)
[![Ubuntu Bionic](/helios64/img/os/ubuntu.png)]()<br>
*MD5SUM : <br>
Build date : <br>
Size : MB<br>*
<s>[Direct Download]()</s>
## Known Limitations
## Image List
!!! note
7Z archives can be uncompressed with 7-Zip on Windows, Keka on OS X and 7z on Linux (apt-get install p7zip-full). XZ archives and RAW images can be directly written to microSD card with Etcher (all OS).
Filename | Download | MD5

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@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
## **Step 1** - Download Helios64 OS image
Before we start, you will need to download the Armbian Image for Helios64 build.
Go to [Dowload](/helios64/download) section and chose one of the latest stable build.
!!! note
Images with .7z extension can be uncompressed by using 7-Zip ([Windows](, Keka (OS X) and 7z (Linux).
On Linux machine 7z can be isntalled by : apt-get install p7zip-full.
## **Step 2** - Writing an image to a microSD Card or the eMMC
There is actually 2 way to get your operating system up:
- Write the operating system image on the microSD Card, or
- Write the OS image directly to the eMMC storage.
You will need to use an image writing tool to install on your microSD Card the image build you have downloaded.
### Under Windows, Mac OS or Linux (via Graphic Interface)
Etcher is a graphical SD card writing tool that works on Mac OS, Linux and Windows, and is the easiest option for most users. Etcher also supports writing images directly from XZ files, without any prerequired decompression. To write your image with Etcher:
- [Download Etcher]( and install it on your computer.
- Insert the microSD Card inside your SD card reader (microSD to SD adapter might be needed).
- Open Etcher and select from your local storage the Helios4 file you wish to write to the microSD Card.
- Select the microSD Card you wish to write your image to.
- Review your selections and click 'Flash!' to begin writing data to the microSD Card.
### Under Linux (via Terminal)
7z e Armbian_5.90_Helios4_Debian_buster_next_4.19.59.7z
sudo dd bs=4M if=Armbian_5.90_Helios4_Debian_buster_next_4.19.59.img of=/dev/sdX conv=fsync
*Replace the filename by the image file name you downloaded.*
!!! note
/dev/sdX is where the microSD is mapped in your Linux machine, change the 'X' to your corresponding mapped device. If you set /dev/sdX to a wrong device then you might risk erasing a hard drive or different device than the designated microSD.
## **Step 3** - Power-up Helios4
**Before powering-up insure :**
1. You inserted the microSD Card that you prepared in the previous step.
2. You connected your computer to the serial port with the Micro-USB to USB cable.
3. You connected Helios4 to your home network with the Ethernet cable.
4. You plugged-in properly the DC power connector before powering-up the AC adapter.
**Now you can plug-in / power-up the AC adapter.**
!!! warning
Always proceed with caution when manipulating 110/220V appliance.
## **Step 4** - Connect to Helios4 serial console
!!! Important
For Windows and Mac OS you will need to install the FTDI driver in order to access the USB to serial bridge used by Helios4. You can find the driver [here](
### Under Windows
1. [Download PuTTY]( and install it on your computer.
2. Select connection type **serial**.<br>
![Putty connect](/helios4/img/install/putty_config.png)
3. Setup serial port settings (Serial line : **COM1** and Speed : **115200**), then press **'Open'**<br>
![Putty config](/helios4/img/install/putty_connect.png)
!!! note
If you computer already has a serial port then COM1 might not be the correct serial line to connect to Helios4. Check this [link]( to learn how to determine the right COM port.
### Under Linux (via Terminal)
**1.** Install picocom
Use apt-get under Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install picocom
Use yum under RHEL / CentOS / Fedora Linux
$ sudo yum install picocom
**2.** Connect to serial with picocom
$ sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
To exit picocom do **Ctrl-a** then **Ctrl-x**
!!! note
Using command _ls -la /dev/ttyUSB*_ you should be able the find the USB to serial bridge device used by Helios4. Under Linux the device will be named **/dev/ttyUSBx**, where **x** is a digit.
### Under Mac OS (via Terminal)
Connect serial using the *screen* command
$ screen /dev/tty.usbserial-XXXXXXXX 115200 -L
To exit the session do **Ctrl-a** then **Ctrl-k**
!!! note
Using command _ls -la /dev/tty.usb*_ you should be able the find the USB to serial bridge device used by Helios4. Under Mac OS the device will be named **/dev/tty.usbserial-xxxxxxxx**, where **xxxxxxxx** is some serial number.
## **Step 5** - Log in
!!! note
You might need to press **Enter** for the login prompt to come up.
**Default credential for Debian image**
helios4 login: root
Password: 1234
You will be prompted to change the root password and then create a new user account.
![First Login](/helios4/img/install/first_login.png)
## **Step 6** - Check/Set IP address
### Check IP address
By default Helios4 will try to obtain an IP address via DHCP. To figure out what is the allocated IP address you will need to type the following command in the console.
ip addr show dev eth0
![Network Config](/helios4/img/install/network_config.png)
Here the IP address of Helios4 is ****.
### Set IP address
If you wish to manually configure your IP address you can use the **armbian-config** tool.
Press **ESC** till you exit armbian-config tool.
You will have to reboot for the network settings to take effect.
sudo reboot
!!! info
You can also refer to the following Debian Wiki [Page]( for advanced network settings.
## **Step 7** - Connect to Helios4 via SSH
You can now connect by SSH to your Helios4 to carry on with your configuration.
![SSH Login](/helios4/img/install/ssh_login.png)
![Putty SSH](/helios4/img/install/putty_ssh.png)
## **What to do next ?**
If you want to install OpenMediaVault, the next-gen network attached storage (NAS) software, refer to the [OMV](/helios4/omv) page.
If you have assembled an OLED Display as part of your Helios4 setup, it can be the right time to set it up. Refer to the following [section](/helios4/i2c/#sys-oled-application) that will explain you how to install the **sys-oled** application which control the OLED display.
For other software you can use **armbian-config** which provides an easy way to install 3rd party applications. You can also refer to our *Software* section to find tutorials that will help you to setup manually your Helios4.
sudo armbian-config
![!armbian-config Main Menu](/helios4/img/omv/install-1.png)
![!armbian-config Software](/helios4/img/omv/install-2.png)
![!armbian-config Selection](/helios4/img/install/softy.png)

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@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
## **Step 1** - Download Helios64 OS image
Before we start, you will need to download the Armbian Image for Helios64 build.
Go to [Dowload](/helios64/download) section and chose one of the latest stable build.
!!! note
Images with .7z extension can be uncompressed by using 7-Zip ([Windows](, Keka (OS X) and 7z (Linux).
On Linux machine 7z can be installed by : apt-get install p7zip-full.
## **Step 2** - Setup your Helios64 Hardware
Make sure the system in the powered off condition. Plug the USB-C cable from the device to your PC/Mac.
Turn on the Helios64 device while pushing the Recovery Button (see [Hardware Page](/helios64/hardware/overview) for the location of the button).
## **Step 3** - Choosing the USB Mass Storage USB-C Cable
Push the recovery button at least **TBD** seconds to enter the recovery mode, after this the Helios64 board will detected as the USB Mass storage from your PC/Mac.
In this condition, actually the eMMC of the Helios64 board is the one detected as the USB mass storage. From this stage, you can write your image to this USB mass storage.
## **Step 4** - Writing an image directly to the eMMC via USB-C Cable
In this section we will write the OS image directly to the eMMC storage.
To perform this step, you will need an image writing tool to flash the downloaded image.
We recommend Etcher as the writing tools software, that can be downloaded from [Etcher download pages]( In our experience Etcher works in almost every host Operating System.
Aside from this software, built in linux program (command) such as **dd** also can be used as an alternative to Etcher.
### Under Windows, Mac OS or Linux (via Graphic Interface)
Etcher is a graphical SD card writing tool that works on Mac OS, Linux and Windows, and is the easiest option for most users. Etcher also supports writing images directly from XZ files, without any prerequired decompression. To write your image with Etcher:
- [Download Etcher]( and install it on your computer.
- Insert the microSD Card inside your SD card reader (microSD to SD adapter might be needed).
- Open Etcher and select from your local storage the Helios4 file you wish to write to the microSD Card.
- Select the microSD Card you wish to write your image to.
- Review your selections and click 'Flash!' to begin writing data to the microSD Card.
### Under Linux (via Terminal)
7z e Armbian_5.90_Helios4_Debian_buster_next_4.19.59.7z
sudo dd bs=4M if=Armbian_5.90_Helios4_Debian_buster_next_4.19.59.img of=/dev/sdX conv=fsync
*Replace the filename by the image file name you downloaded.*
!!! note
/dev/sdX is where the microSD is mapped in your Linux machine, change the 'X' to your corresponding mapped device. If you set /dev/sdX to a wrong device then you might risk erasing a hard drive or different device than the designated microSD.
## **Step 3** - Power-up Helios64
**Before powering-up up your device, make sure following requirement are statisfied :**
1. The prepared microSD Card is already inserted to the board
2. The USB-C Cable from your Helios64 board already connected to USB-C in your PC/Mac.
3. The Ethernet cable from your home network is already connected to either 1 Gbps Ethernet or 2.5Gbps Ethernet port.
4. The AC Adapter cable already properly connected to your Helios64 device before powering-up the power supply.
**Now you can plug-in / power-up the AC adapter.**
!!! warning
Always proceed with caution when manipulating 110/220V appliance.
## **Step 4** - Connect to Helios4 serial console
!!! Important
For Windows and Mac OS you will need to install the FTDI driver in order to access the USB to serial bridge used by Helios4. You can find the driver [here](
### Under Windows
1. [Download PuTTY]( and install it on your computer.
2. Select connection type **serial**.<br>
![Putty connect](/helios64/img/install/putty_config.png)
3. Setup serial port settings (Serial line : **COM1** and Speed : **1500000**), then press **'Open'**<br>
![Putty config](/helios64/img/install/putty_connect.png)
!!! note
If you computer already has a serial port then COM1 might not be the correct serial line to connect to Helios4. Check this [link]( to learn how to determine the right COM port.
### Under Linux (via Terminal)
**1.** Install picocom
Use apt-get under Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install picocom
Use yum under RHEL / CentOS / Fedora Linux
$ sudo yum install picocom
**2.** Connect to serial with picocom
$ sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
!!! note
Helios64 use 1.5Mbps baut rate for the serial connection, picocom Ver. 1.7 will not work with this configuration. We recommend **picocom Ver 2.2** or later for Helios64 device.
To exit picocom do **Ctrl-a-q**
!!! note
Using command _ls -la /dev/ttyUSB*_ you should be able the find the USB to serial bridge device used by Helios64. Under Linux the device will be named **/dev/ttyUSBx**, where **x** is a digit.
### Under Mac OS (via Terminal)
Connect serial using the *screen* command
$ screen /dev/tty.usbserial-XXXXXXXX 1500000 -L
To exit the session do **Ctrl-a** then **Ctrl-k**
!!! note
Using command _ls -la /dev/tty.usb*_ you should be able the find the USB to serial bridge device used by Helios4. Under Mac OS the device will be named **/dev/tty.usbserial-xxxxxxxx**, where **xxxxxxxx** is some serial number.
## **Step 5** - Log in
!!! note
You might need to press **Enter** for the login prompt to come up.
**Default credential for Debian image**
helios64 login: root
Password: 1234
You will be prompted to change the root password and then create a new user account.
![First Login](/helios4/img/install/first_login.png)
## **Step 6** - Check/Set IP address
### Check IP address
By default Helios64 will try to obtain an IP address via DHCP. To figure out what is the allocated IP address you will need to type the following command in the console.
ip addr show dev eth0
![Network Config](/helios4/img/install/network_config.png)
Here the IP address of Helios64 is ****.
### Set IP address
If you wish to manually configure your IP address you can use the **armbian-config** tool.
Press **ESC** till you exit armbian-config tool.
You will have to reboot for the network settings to take effect.
sudo reboot
!!! info
You can also refer to the following Debian Wiki [Page]( for advanced network settings.
## **Step 7** - Connect to Helios64 via SSH
You can now connect by SSH to your Helios4 to carry on with your configuration.
![SSH Login](/helios4/img/install/ssh_login.png)
![Putty SSH](/helios4/img/install/putty_ssh.png)
## **What to do next ?**
If you want to install OpenMediaVault, the next-gen network attached storage (NAS) software, refer to the [OMV](/helios4/omv) page.
If you have assembled an OLED Display as part of your Helios64 setup, it can be the right time to set it up. Refer to the following [section](/helios4/i2c/#sys-oled-application) that will explain you how to install the **sys-oled** application which control the OLED display.
For other software you can use **armbian-config** which provides an easy way to install 3rd party applications. You can also refer to our *Software* section to find tutorials that will help you to setup manually your Helios4.
sudo armbian-config
![!armbian-config Main Menu](/helios4/img/omv/install-1.png)
![!armbian-config Software](/helios4/img/omv/install-2.png)
![!armbian-config Selection](/helios4/img/install/softy.png)

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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
!!! note
Go to [Kit Assembly](/helios64/kit) to find out how to put together your Helios64 NAS
## **Install Method**
There is several ways to install OS to your Helios64 board:
**1. [Install to micro-SD Card](/helios64/install-1)<br>**
**2. [Install to the eMMC module via micro-SD Card](/helios64/install-2)<br>**
**3. [Install to eMMC module directly via USB-C cable](/helios64/install-3)<br>**
**4. [Install on USB drive](/helios64/install-4)<br>**
**5. [Install on M.2 NVMe drive](/helios64/install-5)<br>**
Different choice of storage resulting in different IO read/write speed, this may affect the performance of installed OS.
## **What you need before you start.**
**1. microSD Card<br>**
You need a microSD Card UHS-I with a minimum of 8GB. We recommend the following models:
- SanDisk Extreme microSDHC UHS-I Card (32GB)
- SanDisk Extreme PRO microSDHC UHS-I Card (32GB)
- Strontium Nitro MicroSD Card (16GB)
- Samsung microSDHC UHS-I Card EVO Plus (32GB)
![Recommended SDcard](/helios64/img/install/recommended_sdcard.jpg)
You might refer to the [SD Card](/helios64/sdcard/#tested-microsd-card) page to find a compatibility list of SD Card models.
**2. USB-C cable<br>**
![USB-C cable](/helios64/img/install/usb-c.jpg)
**3. Ethernet cable (cat5/6)<br>**
![Network cable](/helios64/img/install/network_cable.jpg)

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@ -69,27 +69,22 @@ nav:
- Welcome: ''
- Helios64:
- Introduction: 'helios64/'
- Download: 'helios64/'
- Install:
- Overview: 'helios64/'
- Install to micro-SD : 'helios64/'
- Install directly to eMMC : 'helios64/'
- Hardware:
- Overview : 'helios64/'
- Battery : 'helios64/'
- Button : 'helios64/'
- eMMC : 'helios64/'
- Ethernet : 'helios64/'
- Front Panel (P3): 'helios64/'
- GPIO (P5): 'helios64/'
- Front Panel : 'helios64/'
- GPIO : 'helios64/'
- I2C : 'helios64/'
- Jumper: 'helios64/'
- LED : 'helios64/'
- M2 Connector (J2): 'helios64/'
- M.2 : 'helios64/'
- PWM Fan : 'helios64/'
- SATA : 'helios64/'
- SPI : 'helios64/'
- UEXT Connector (P2): 'helios64/'
- UEXT : 'helios64/'
- UPS Battery : 'helios64/'
- USB : 'helios64/'
- Helios4:
- Introduction: 'helios4/'