This Figures describe the PCB layout from the left hand side (RHS) and right hand side (LHS) view respectively.
The vertical mounting of this double-sided PCB will make the front panel have two LED indicators (red and green) for Sys and HDD 1 untill HDD 5 Activity Status(or Error Status).
There is provided ribbon connection from the P3 at the Helios64 board to the P2 at the front panel PCB.
So you can easily connect this two parts.
!!! Warning
Please be careful with the header polarity. Make sure that Pin no 1 at the P3 of Helios64 are connected to the no 1 at the P1 of front panel PCB.
The front panel USB 3.0 port can be directly connected to the Front USB 3.0 Port on the board, this interface are connected with regular USB 3.0 complied cable.
The connection between P3 from the Helios64 board to P1 on the front panel PCB board is illustrated in below figure:
The USB 3.0 Cable are actually already mounted to the front panel PCB and the Helios64 Caseing, you only need to connect the usb male connector at the location illustrated in above figure.