Helios64 provides a built-in UPS feature to protect your data from unexpected power loss. The feature requires an additional Li-Ion Battery to be connected to header J9 .

## Feature
When system detects AC power loss, the system will switch instantly to battery mode. The system is able to fully run (including HDDs) on battery for up to 15 min. During that time, if AC power comes back, system will switch back to AC power mode. Else, if AC power is not resuming and battery voltage reach a certain low threshold, the system will automatically trigger graceful shutdown or hibernation (system-to-disk).
The actual cells of the this battery pack is the *Panasonic NCR18650BD*, we use 2x cells in 2S1P configuration. The battery pack is equipped with a protection IC (HY2120) and a thermistor to monitor the cell temperature.
Battery charge is fully managed by hardware ([Texas Instrument BQ24133](https://www.ti.com/product/BQ24133)), no software required. Charging function still operates when system is powered off. Helios64 board provides a visual charging indicator on LED9.
[IIO subsystem](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/driver-api/iio/index.html) provides hardware raw value. To convert the raw value to standard units, use following formula