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**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun May 3 21:59:45 2020
May 03 21:59:45 * *** Looking up your hostname...
May 03 21:59:45 * *** Checking Ident
May 03 21:59:45 * *** Found your hostname
May 03 21:59:49 * *** No Ident response
May 03 21:59:49 * Capabilities supported: account-notify away-notify cap-notify chghost extended-join identify-msg multi-prefix sasl tls
May 03 21:59:49 * Capabilities requested: account-notify away-notify cap-notify chghost extended-join identify-msg multi-prefix
May 03 21:59:49 * Capabilities acknowledged: account-notify away-notify cap-notify chghost extended-join identify-msg multi-prefix
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun May 3 21:59:49 2020
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun May 3 21:59:49 2020
May 03 21:59:49 * Welcome to the freenode Internet Relay Chat Network DarKou
May 03 21:59:49 * Your host is tolkien.freenode.net[], running version ircd-seven-1.1.9
May 03 21:59:49 * This server was created Fri Apr 24 2020 at 22:19:21 UTC
May 03 21:59:49 * tolkien.freenode.net ircd-seven-1.1.9 DOQRSZaghilopsuwz CFILMPQSbcefgijklmnopqrstuvz bkloveqjfI
May 03 21:59:49 * CHANTYPES=# EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=eIbq,k,flj,CFLMPQScgimnprstuz CHANLIMIT=#:120 PREFIX=(ov)@+ MAXLIST=bqeI:100 MODES=4 NETWORK=freenode STATUSMSG=@+ CALLERID=g CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 :are supported by this server
May 03 21:59:49 * WHOX ETRACE CPRIVMSG CNOTICE MONITOR=100 :are supported by this server
May 03 21:59:49 * There are 96 users and 84365 invisible on 31 servers
May 03 21:59:49 * 34 :IRC Operators online
May 03 21:59:49 * 32 :unknown connection(s)
May 03 21:59:49 * 43446 :channels formed
May 03 21:59:49 * I have 3633 clients and 1 servers
May 03 21:59:49 * 3633 4695 :Current local users 3633, max 4695
May 03 21:59:49 * 84461 87645 :Current global users 84461, max 87645
May 03 21:59:49 * Highest connection count: 4696 (4695 clients) (99183 connections received)
May 03 21:59:49 * - tolkien.freenode.net Message of the Day -
May 03 21:59:49 * - Welcome to tolkien.freenode.net in Sanford, NC, US. Thanks to
May 03 21:59:49 * - https://travelingmailbox.com/ for sponsoring this server
May 03 21:59:49 * - Welcome to freenode - supporting the free and open source
May 03 21:59:49 * - software communities since 1998.
May 03 21:59:49 * -
May 03 21:59:49 * - By connecting to freenode you indicate that you have read and
May 03 21:59:49 * - accept our policies and guidelines as set out on https://freenode.net
May 03 21:59:49 * -
May 03 21:59:49 * - In the event that you observe behaviour that contravenes our policies,
May 03 21:59:49 * - please notify a volunteer staff member via private message, or send us an
May 03 21:59:49 * - e-mail to complaints@freenode.net -- we will do our best to address the
May 03 21:59:49 * - situation within a reasonable period of time, and we may request further
May 03 21:59:49 * - information or, as appropriate, involve other parties such as channel operators
May 03 21:59:49 * - Group Contacts representing an on-topic group.
May 03 21:59:49 * -
May 03 21:59:49 * - freenode runs an open proxy scanner.
May 03 21:59:49 * -
May 03 21:59:49 * - If you are looking for assistance, you may be able to find a list of
May 03 21:59:49 * - volunteer staff on '/stats p' (shows only on-call staff) or by joining
May 03 21:59:49 * - #freenode and using the '/who freenode/staff/*' command. You may message
May 03 21:59:49 * - any of us at any time. Please note that freenode predominantly provides
May 03 21:59:49 * - assistance via private message, and while we have a network channel the
May 03 21:59:49 * - primary venue for support requests is via private message to a member
May 03 21:59:49 * - of the volunteer staff team.
May 03 21:59:49 * -
May 03 21:59:49 * - From time to time, volunteer staff may send server-wide notices relating to
May 03 21:59:49 * - the project, or the communities that we host. The majority of such notices
May 03 21:59:49 * - will be sent as wallops, and you can '/mode <yournick> +w' to ensure that you
May 03 21:59:49 * - do not miss them. Important messages relating to the freenode project, including
May 03 21:59:49 * - notices of upcoming maintenance and other scheduled downtime will be issued as
May 03 21:59:49 * - global notices.
May 03 21:59:49 * -
May 03 21:59:49 * - Representing an on-topic project? Don't forget to register, more information
May 03 21:59:49 * - can be found on the https://freenode.net website under "Group Registration".
May 03 21:59:50 * -
May 03 21:59:50 * - Thank you also to our server sponsors for the sustained support in keeping the
May 03 21:59:50 * - network going for close to two decades.
May 03 21:59:50 * -
May 03 21:59:50 * - Thank you for using freenode!
May 03 21:59:50 * End of /MOTD command.
May 03 21:59:50 * DarKou sets mode +Z on DarKou
May 03 21:59:50 * DarKou sets mode +i on DarKou
May 03 21:59:50 -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
May 03 22:00:15 >nickserv< identify ****
May 03 22:00:16 -NickServ- You are now identified for DarKou.
May 03 22:11:01 Sysinfo plugin unloaded
May 03 22:11:01 Checksum plugin unloaded
May 03 22:11:01 Perl interface unloaded
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun May 3 22:11:01 2020