# tmux cheatsheet start new: tmux start new with session name: tmux new -s myname attach: tmux a # (or at, or attach) attach to named: tmux a -t myname list sessions: tmux ls kill session: tmux kill-session -t myname In tmux, hit the prefix `ctrl+b` and then: ## Sessions :new<CR> new session s list sessions $ name session ## Windows (tabs) c new window , name window w list windows f find window & kill window . move window - prompted for a new number :movew<CR> move window to the next unused number ## Panes (splits) \ horizontal split - vertical split o swap panes q show pane numbers x kill pane ⍽ space - toggle between layouts z maximize pane ## Misc d detach t big clock ? list shortcuts : prompt Resources: * [Based on henrik config](https://gist.github.com/henrik/1967800) * [cheat sheet](http://cheat.errtheblog.com/s/tmux/)