Petit ménage répétition inutile Fix font-size iOS version LESS Grilles et typo Changer la licence de KNACSS Conserver le commentaire de présentation de licence Correction grid reponsive classes manquantes version LESS (largeurs de blocs)
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60 lines
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* V2.9 (2013-10) @author: Raphael Goetter, Alsacreations
* Licence WTFPL
// LESS values : adapt them to your design
@basefont : 14px; // if "14px" then 1em = 14px
@lh : 1.5; // equiv line-height 1.5em
@smallvalue : 10px; // small value for margins / paddings
@mediumvalue : 20px; // medium value for margins / paddings
@largevalue : 30px; // large value for margins / paddings
@tinyscreen : 480px; // tiny screens media query
@smallscreen : 768px; // small screens media query
@largescreen : 1280px; // large screens media query
@gutter : 20px; // gutter value (%, px, em, rem, etc) for grid layouts
@fontstack1 : helvetica, arial, sans-serif; // common font
@fontstack2 : consolas, 'DejaVu Sans Mono', courier, monospace; // monospace font
@fontstack3 : FreeSans, Arimo, "Droid Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; // universal stack
// LESS mixins : don't touch or you'll be banned ;)
// px to em/rem
.rem(@size, @bf: @basefont){
@em: round((@size / @bf),4);
font-size: unit(@em, em);
@rem: round((@size / 10),4);
font-size: unit(@rem, rem);
// flow for headings
.flow(@size, @bf: @basefont, @bh: @lh) {
@marg: @bh * @bf / @size;
@mt: unit(round(@marg,4),em);
margin-top: @mt;
margin-bottom: 0;
@em: round((@size / @bf),4);
font-size: unit(@em, em);
@rem: round((@size / 10),4);
font-size: unit(@rem, rem);
@coef: ceil(1/@mt);
line-height: unit((@mt * @coef));
// LESS base styles
@import "01-base.less";
/* ----------------------------- */
/* ==own stylesheet */
/* ----------------------------- */
/* Here should go your own CSS styles */
/* You can link them with a LESS @import */
/* @import "my-styles.less"; */
// LESS files : chose the ones you need
@import "02-grids.less";
@import "03-tables.less";
@import "04-forms.less";
@import "05-icons.less";
@import "06-rwd.less";
@import "07-flexbox.less";
@import "08-print.less"; |