/* ---------------------------------- */
/* ==Grillade v6                      */
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* IMPORTANT : this is the KNACSS v6 old Grid System based on Flexbox */
/* You only need it for projects on older browsers (IE11-) */

// Responsive breakpoints variables

// Warning : you should use your own values, regardless of the devices
// Best practise : (max-width: ($BP - 1)) and (min-width: $BP)

$tiny: 480px !default; // or 'em' if you prefer, of course
$small: 576px !default;
$medium: 768px !default;
$large: 992px !default;
$extra-large: 1200px !default;

// gutter values for grid layouts. Unit can be: %, px, em, rem
$grid-gutters: ( '': 1rem, '-l': 2rem, '-xl': 4rem );
// IEfixing, see
// https://github.com/alsacreations/KNACSS/issues/133;
$iefix: 0.01px;
@media (min-width: $small) {
  [class*=" grid-"],
  [class^="grid-"] {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    flex-wrap: wrap;

    & > * {
      box-sizing: border-box;
      min-width: 0;
      min-height: 0;
// Multi-line grid constructor
// example : .grid-perso { @include grid(12, 3rem); }
@mixin grid($grid-number: 1, $own-gutter: 0) {
  & > * {
    width: calc(100% / #{$grid-number} - #{$iefix});
  @each $affix, $size in $grid-gutters {
    &.has-gutter#{$affix} {
      margin-right: -$size / 2;
      margin-left: -$size / 2;

      & > * {
        width: calc(100% / #{$grid-number} - #{$size} - #{$iefix});
        margin-right: $size / 2;
        margin-left: $size / 2;
  @if ($own-gutter != 0) {
    margin-right: -$own-gutter / 2;
    margin-left: -$own-gutter / 2;

    & > * {
      width: calc(100% / #{$grid-number} - #{$own-gutter} - #{$iefix});
      margin-right: $own-gutter / 2;
      margin-left: $own-gutter / 2;
// Mono-line grid constructor (.grid)
@media (min-width: $small) {
  .grid--reverse {
    display: flex;

    & > * {
      flex: 1 1 0%;
      box-sizing: border-box;
      min-width: 0;
      min-height: 0;
    @each $affix, $size in $grid-gutters {
      &.has-gutter#{$affix} > * + * {
        margin-left: calc(#{$size} - #{$iefix});
// Constructing grids : will be compiled in CSS
@media (min-width: $small) {
  @for $i from 2 through 12 {
    [class*="grid-#{$i}"] {
      @include grid(#{$i}, 0);

// Grid offsets
.push {
  margin-left: auto !important;

.pull {
  margin-right: auto !important;

// Grid order
.item-first {
  order: -1;

.item-last {
  order: 1;

[class*="grid-"][class*="--reverse"] {
  flex-direction: row-reverse;
// sizing individual children
@media (min-width: $small) {
  @each $flow, $divider in ("full" "1"), ("one-half" "2"), ("one-third" "3"), ("one-quarter" "4"), ("one-fifth" "5"), ("one-sixth" "6"), ("two-thirds" "3 * 2"), ("three-quarters" "4 * 3"), ("five-sixths" "6 * 5") {
    .#{$flow} {
      flex: 0 0 auto;
      width: calc(100% / #{$divider} - #{$iefix});
    @each $affix, $size in $grid-gutters {
      .has-gutter#{$affix} > .#{$flow} {
        width: calc(100% / #{$divider} - #{$size} - #{$iefix});
/* Responsive Small Breakpoint */
// -small-X suffix means "X columns on small-medium screen"
// example : .grid-4-small-2 will be 1 column (tiny and down) then 2 columns (until medium) then 4 columns
@media (min-width: $small) and (max-width: ($medium - 1)) {
  @for $i from 1 through 4 {
    [class*="-small-#{$i}"] {
      & > * {
        width: calc(100% / #{$i} - #{$iefix});
      @each $affix, $size in $grid-gutters {
        &.has-gutter#{$affix} > * {
          width: calc(100% / #{$i} - #{$size} - #{$iefix});