/* ----------------------------- */ /* ==configuration */ /* ----------------------------- */ // Output conf booleans $enable-ie678 : true; // "true" to activate IE6/IE7/IE8 support $enable-styling : true; // "true" to design basic elements like code, mark, blockquotes, etc. $enable-gmaps : true; // if google maps is used $enable-skip-links : true; // "true" to design skip links for accessibility concerns $enable-hyphens : true; // activate automatic hyphens on small screens $enable-helpers-width : true; // decide whether or not you need width helpers $enable-helpers-spacing : true; // decide whether or not you need spacing helpers // Font sizes $base-font-size : 14px; // if "14px" then 1em = 14px $line-height : 1.5; // equiv line-height 1.5 $h1-size : 3.2rem; // equiv "32px" $h2-size : 2.8rem; // equiv "28px" $h3-size : 2.4rem; // equiv "24px" $h4-size : 2.0rem; // equiv "20px" $h5-size : 1.8rem; // equiv "18px" $h6-size : 1.6rem; // equiv "16px" // Font stacks $font-stack-common : "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif; // common font $font-stack-monospace : "Consolas", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Courier", monospace; // monospace font $font-stack-universal : "FreeSans", "Arimo", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif; // universal stack // Font colors $base-color : #000; // text color on body $base-color-link : #333; // primary links color; $base-color-link-hover : #000; // primary hovered/focused links color; // Backgrounds $base-background : #fff; // body background color // Spacings $tiny-value : 0.5em; // tiny value for margins / paddings $small-value : 1em; // small value for margins / paddings $medium-value : 2em; // medium value for margins / paddings $large-value : 4em; // large value for margins / paddings $extra-large-value : 6em; // extra large value for margins / paddings $ultra-large-value : 10em; // ultra large value for margins / paddings // Breakpoints $tiny-screen : 320px; // tiny screens media query $small-screen : 480px; // small screens media query $medium-screen : 768px; // small screens media query $large-screen : 1024px; // large screens media query $extra-large-screen : 1280px; // extra large screens media query $ultra-large-screen : 1600px; // ultra large screens media query // Miscellaneous $gutter : 20px; // gutter value (%, px, em, rem) for grid layouts // [Mixin] Rem with px fallback @mixin rem($size) { @if unitless($size) { font-size: ($size * 1rem) / 1rem * $base-font-size; font-size: $size * 1rem; } @else { @warn "Please make sure `$size` is unitless."; } } // [Mixin] Em from px @mixin em($size) { @if unitless($size) { $bf: $base-font-size / 1px; font-size: $size / $bf * 1em; } @else { @warn "Please make sure `$size` is unitless."; } }